The quantity of posts will start up back up again, Exam Week did not kill me, it only killed the quantity of posts on the site.
I hate to leave the Simply Sensational name, but I think it's for the best. In one year, you guys help make this site relevant in the Capitals blogosphere. Now, let's do it for Capitals Gains.
As many of you have noticed, this site has not been updated as much as it used to be. I attribute that to a change of schools (Penn State-Harrisburg to James Madison University), where JMU's workload dwarf's that of PSH. Gone are the days of sitting in my apartment in the middle of Pennsylvania with a notepad and 34 firefox tabs open, desperately trying to find a relevant statistic.
Now with Exam Week upon us (college kids), it's now time to study more than you sleep, procrastinate more than ever, and live off Adderall and Red Bull (kidding, everyone knows you shouldn't take addy and Rd Bull).
I've knocked out two exams and have two to go. Meaning, that the site will remain quite for a few more days. But, it's like that saying, "It's always calmest before the storm."
I have great news and there are going to be some pretty big changes coming about. These changes should take place within the next two weeks (fingers crossed). You will love the changes. I will love the changes. And I cannot wait. See you then!
VERSUS Sports Jobs with Junior Seau visits the Washington Capitals, where Junior tries his luck as equipment manager. In this scene, Junior practices with Alexander Ovechkin and the team and hand delivers box seat tickets to owner, Ted Leonsis. Junior even receives his own personalized Washington Capitals jersey! Catch this episode December 9th at 11:30PM ET. For more information, please visit us at
Sorry about the lack of posts fellas (and ladies). Explanation tomorrow (with video).
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